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Index: M

m command (CPAN.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: m
m command (Perl debugger) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 6, Reference: m
-M file test operator
Learning Perl, 10.5. The -x File Tests
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.6. The -x File Tests
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.8. File Test Operators
Programming Perl, 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
examples of
Learning Perl, 1.5.11. Ensuring a Modest Amount of Security
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.11. Ensuring a Modest Amount of Security
/m modifier
Perl Cookbook, 6.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 7.4.3. Using a Different Delimiter
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.8. Extended Regular Expressions
Programming Perl, 2.4. Pattern Matching
Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
matching multiple lines : Perl Cookbook, 6.6. Matching Multiple Lines
-m switch, perl
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-M switch, perl
Advanced Perl Programming, 19.4. Adding Extensions
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
m// (match) operator
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6. Regular Expressions
Programming Perl, 2.4. Pattern Matching
Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
Programming Perl, 3.2.1. /PATTERN/
Programming Perl, 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
Programming Perl, 8.2.1. Universal Blunders
~ operator with : Perl Cookbook, 1.1. Accessing Substrings
modifiers for : Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
pos function and : Programming Perl, 3.2.109. pos
m?? (match) operator
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.6. Quantifiers
Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
Programming Perl, 3.2.2. ?PATTERN?
Programming Perl, 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
reset function and : Programming Perl, 3.2.124. reset
macdef entries (.netrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, 16.3. FTP Configuration with Net::Netrc
MacEachern, Doug : Perl in a Nutshell, 11. Web Server Programming with mod_perl
machine entries (.netrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, 16.3. FTP Configuration with Net::Netrc
machine independence : Advanced Perl Programming, 10.1. Persistence Issues
Macintosh, and Perl : Learning Perl, 1.3. Availability
macros to manipulate stacks : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.4.2. The Called Side: Hand-Coding an XSUB
magic ARGV : (see magic open)
magic open
Perl Cookbook, 5.16. Program: dutree
Perl Cookbook, 8.19. Program: tctee
Perl Cookbook, 16.6. Preprocessing Input
magic variables
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.3.6. Magic Variables
Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
mail : (see email)
mail() (Net::SMTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: mail
MAIL command (SMTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.1.2. The SMTP Protocol and the SMTP Session
Mail modules
Perl in a Nutshell, 14. Email Connectivity
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2. The Mail Modules
Mail::Address module : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.6. Parse Email Addresses with Mail::Address
Mail::Folder module : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder
Mail::Internet module : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.4. Handle Messages with Mail::Internet
Mail::Mailer module
Perl Cookbook, 18.3. Sending Mail
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.1. Send Email with Mail::Mailer
Mail::POP3Client module : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.8. Reading Email with Mail::POP3Client
Mail::Send module : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.2. Better Header Control with Mail::Send
mail process, example of : Learning Perl, 1.5.12. Warning Someone When Things Go Astray
mailing lists, Perl-related
Learning Perl, Support
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.4. Support
Perl in a Nutshell, 1.4.3. Mailing Lists
MailTools collection : Perl in a Nutshell, 14. Email Connectivity
main (top-level) window, Perl/Tk : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.2. Starting with Perl/Tk
main namespace : Perl in a Nutshell, 7.1. Namespaces and Packages
main routine, unneeded in Perl
Learning Perl, 1.4. Basic Concepts
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.5. Basic Concepts
MainLoop statement (Perl/Tk) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18. Perl/Tk
maintaining state (CGI) : Perl in a Nutshell, 10.3. Maintaining State
make command
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: make
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.4.2. Module Installation
Programming Perl, Targets
Advanced Perl Programming, 18.2.1. Fractals Using SWIG
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.4.2. Module Installation
Programming Perl, 7.2.18. ExtUtils::MakeMaker - Create a Makefile for a Perl Extension
MakeMaker module
(see also Harness module)
Perl in a Nutshell, Using MakeMaker
Programming Perl, 7.2.18. ExtUtils::MakeMaker - Create a Makefile for a Perl Extension
Programming Perl, 7.2.66. Test::Harness - Run Perl Standard Test Scripts with Statistics
MakeMask() (Win32::FileSecurity) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: MakeMask
malloc command (C) : Advanced Perl Programming, 1. Data References and Anonymous Storage
man command
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.5.1. Installing the Documentation
Programming Perl, Perl Manpages
man pages
Advanced Perl Programming, 16.1. man and perlman
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: pod2man
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.5.2. The Perl Manpages
Programming Perl, Perl Manpages
Mandelbrot code example
Advanced Perl Programming, 18.2. Example: Fractals with Perl
Advanced Perl Programming, 18.6. A Detour into Fractals
manicheck() : Programming Perl, 7.2.19. ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to Write and Check a MANIFEST File
manicopy() : Programming Perl, 7.2.19. ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to Write and Check a MANIFEST File
Manifest module : Programming Perl, 7.2.19. ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to Write and Check a MANIFEST File
manifind() : Programming Perl, 7.2.19. ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to Write and Check a MANIFEST File
maniread() : Programming Perl, 7.2.19. ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to Write and Check a MANIFEST File
Advanced Perl Programming, 16.1. man and perlman
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: pod2man
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.5.2. The Perl Manpages
Programming Perl, Perl Manpages
many-to-many associations : Advanced Perl Programming, 11.2.7. Object Associations
Perl Cookbook, 4.15. Sorting a List by Computable Field
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, D.5.1. grep and map
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: map
Programming Perl, 3.2.91. map
Programming Perl, 8.4. Programming with Style
MAPI : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 19.3. Using Automation Objects
mark() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: mark
mark_list() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: mark_list
mark_range() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: mark_range
marked() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: marked
marked_articles() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: marked_articles
markGravity() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.4. Marks
markNames() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.4. Marks
Advanced Perl Programming, Inserting text at logical positions
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.4. Marks
markSet() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.4. Marks
markstacks : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.4. Stacks and Messaging Protocol
markUnset() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.4. Marks
marshalling parameters : Advanced Perl Programming, 13.2. Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
match (m//) operator
Learning Perl, 7.2. Simple Uses of Regular Expressions
Programming Perl, 2.4. Pattern Matching
Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
Programming Perl, 3.2.1. /PATTERN/
Programming Perl, 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
Programming Perl, 8.2.1. Universal Blunders
examples of
Learning Perl, 1.5.7. Handling Varying Input Formats
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.7. Handling Varying Input Formats
modifiers for : Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
pos function and : Programming Perl, 3.2.109. pos
match (m??) operator
Learning Perl, 7.2. Simple Uses of Regular Expressions
Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
Programming Perl, 3.2.2. ?PATTERN?
Programming Perl, 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
examples of
Learning Perl, 1.5.7. Handling Varying Input Formats
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.7. Handling Varying Input Formats
reset function and : Programming Perl, 3.2.124. reset
$MATCH ($&) variable
Learning Perl, 7.4.5. Special Read-Only Variables
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables
Programming Perl, The fine print
Programming Perl, 2.9.1. Regular Expression Special Variables
Programming Perl, a2p
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
matching : (see patterns)
patterns : (see pattern matching)
regular expressions : (see regular expressions)
Soundex matching : Perl Cookbook, 1.16. Soundex Matching
(see also numbers)
Programming Perl, 7.2.48. overload - Overload Perl's Mathematical Operations
Math modules
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.2.7. Mathematics
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.105. Math::BigFloat
Math::BigFloat module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.105. Math::BigFloat
Programming Perl, 7.2.42. Math::BigFloat - Arbitrary-Length, Floating-Point Math Package
Math::BigInt module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.106. Math::BigInt
Programming Perl, 7.2.43. Math::BigInt - Arbitrary-Length Integer Math Package
Math::Complex module
Perl Cookbook, 2.13. Taking Logarithms
Perl Cookbook, 2.15. Using Complex Numbers
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.107. Math::Complex
Programming Perl, 7.2.44. Math::Complex - Complex Numbers Package
Math::Random module : Perl Cookbook, 2.9. Making Numbers Even More Random
Math::Trig module
Perl Cookbook, 2.11. Doing Trigonometry in Degrees, not Radians
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.108. Math::Trig
Math::TrulyRandom module : Perl Cookbook, 2.9. Making Numbers Even More Random
operators : (see arithmetic operators; operators)
overloading operations : Programming Perl, 7.2.48. overload - Overload Perl's Mathematical Operations
matrices data structure (example) : Advanced Perl Programming, 2.2. Example: Matrices
matrix multiplication : Perl Cookbook, 2.14. Multiplying Matrices
Max Headroom
Learning Perl, 13.7. Modifying Timestamps
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.5. Modifying Timestamps
max_size() (LWP::UserAgent) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: max_size
maximal matching quantifiers : Perl Cookbook, 6.15. Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches
maxsize() (Frame widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18.1. Toplevel Methods
MaxWindow() (Win32::Console) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: MaxWindow
Learning Perl, Acknowledgments for the First Edition
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, Acknowledgments for First Edition
mdtm() (Net::FTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: mdtm
memoizing technique : Perl Cookbook, 4.19. Program: permute
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.2.4. Variables
Perl in a Nutshell, 7.1. Namespaces and Packages
denial of resource attacks : Advanced Perl Programming, Security features
efficiency of : Programming Perl, 8.3.2. Space Efficiency
fault, as a signal to a process : Learning Perl, 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
garbage collection
Advanced Perl Programming, 1.6.1. Reference Counts
Perl Cookbook, 13.2. Destroying an Object
Programming Perl, 5.3.9. A Note on Garbage Collection
circular data structures and : Perl Cookbook, 13.13. Coping with Circular Data Structures
objects and : Advanced Perl Programming, 7.2.7. Object Destruction
in-memory databases : Programming Perl, In-memory databases
interpeting bytes in : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 16.2. Packing and Unpacking Binary Data
Advanced Perl Programming, 1.6. A View of the Internals
Advanced Perl Programming, 18.1. Writing an Extension: Overview
preallocating for hashes : Perl Cookbook, 5.13. Presizing a Hash
shared memory segment ID : Programming Perl, 3.2.145. shmget
XS tool and : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.5.6. Memory Management Using XS
menu() (Menubutton) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.14.2. Menubutton Methods
-menu option
Menubutton widget
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.14. The Menubutton Widget
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.14.1. Menu Item Options
Optionmenu widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.16. The Optionmenu Widget
Menu widgets (Perl/Tk)
Advanced Perl Programming, A.5. Menus
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.3.8. Menus
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.15. The Menu Widget
Menubutton widget (Perl/Tk)
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.3.8. Menus
Perl Cookbook, 15.14. Creating Menus with Tk
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.14. The Menubutton Widget
-menuitems option
Menu widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.15. The Menu Widget
Menubutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.14. The Menubutton Widget
menus, popup
Learning Perl, 19.7. Other Form Elements
Learning Perl, 19.7.1. References
merging DBM files : Perl Cookbook, 14.4. Merging DBM Files
merging hashes : Perl Cookbook, 5.10. Merging Hashes
message() (HTTP::Response) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: message
Message() (Mail::POP3Client) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: Message
message_exists() (Mail::Folder) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: message_exists
message_list() (Mail::Folder) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: message_list
message-embedded scripts : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
message-oriented protocols : Perl in a Nutshell, 13. Sockets
definition of : Advanced Perl Programming, 13. Networking: Implementing RPC
error : Programming Perl, 7.2.5. Carp - Generate Error Messages
functions for : Programming Perl, 3.2.93. msgctl
passing with UDP : Programming Perl, UDP: message passing
receiving on sockets : Programming Perl, 3.2.119. recv
script embedded in : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
sending to socket : Programming Perl, 3.2.139. send
messages, error : (see errors)
messaging protocol : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.4. Stacks and Messaging Protocol
Advanced Perl Programming, B.8. Meta-Information
Advanced Perl Programming, 10.1. Persistence Issues
Advanced Perl Programming, Query meta-data
Advanced Perl Programming, What DBI does not provide
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax
Programming Perl, The regular expression bestiary
Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
anchors : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.5. Anchors
character classes : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.4. Character Classes
escaped sequences : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.3. Escaped Sequences
escaping with quotemeta : Programming Perl, 3.2.114. quotemeta
in exec arguments : Programming Perl, 3.2.33. exec
quantifiers : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.6. Quantifiers
Advanced Perl Programming, B.8. Meta-Information
Advanced Perl Programming, 10.1. Persistence Issues
Advanced Perl Programming, Query meta-data
Advanced Perl Programming, What DBI does not provide
metaFAQ : Programming Perl, Frequently Asked Questions List
method() (HTTP::Request) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: method
Method() : Programming Perl, Public functions
method attribute (<form> tags) : Perl in a Nutshell, 9.1.1. Transferring the Form Data
Perl Cookbook, 13.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 13.3. Managing Instance Data
Learning Perl, 19.8.1. Object-Oriented Programming in Perl
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 19.1. Introduction to OLE Automation
Perl in a Nutshell, 7.3. Object-Oriented Perl
Programming Perl, 4.3.4. Using Object Methods
Programming Perl, 5.3.1. Brief Refresher on Object-Oriented Programming
Programming Perl, 5.3.5. A Method Is Simply a Subroutine
accessor methods : Advanced Perl Programming, 7.2.8. Accessor Methods
autogenerated substitute : Programming Perl, Autogeneration
Perl Cookbook, 13.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 13.11. Generating Attribute Methods Using AUTOLOAD
Programming Perl, 5.3.8. Method Autoloading
class (static) methods
Advanced Perl Programming, 7.2.5. Class Methods and Attributes
Perl in a Nutshell, 7.4. Object Syntax
functions vs. : Perl Cookbook, 13.9. Writing an Inheritable Class
HTTP methods
Perl Cookbook, 19.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 19.1. Writing a CGI Script
indirect notation
Perl Cookbook, 13.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 13.7. Calling Methods Indirectly
instance methods
Advanced Perl Programming, 7.2.3. Behavior
Advanced Perl Programming, 7.2.4. The Need for Polymorphism
Perl in a Nutshell, 7.4. Object Syntax
invoking : Programming Perl, 5.3.6. Method Invocation
names for : Programming Perl, 8.4. Programming with Style
Perl Cookbook, 13.10. Accessing Overridden Methods
Programming Perl, 5.5.6. Overriding Base Class Methods
references to : Perl Cookbook, 11.8. Creating References to Methods
searching for : Advanced Perl Programming, 7.3.1. Searching for Methods
SWIG : Advanced Perl Programming, 18.3. SWIG Features
widget methods (Perl/Tk)
Advanced Perl Programming, A. Tk Widget Reference
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.1.1. Widget Methods
Learning Perl, Acknowledgments for the First Edition
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, Acknowledgments for First Edition
minigrep program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 6.17. Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern
minimal matching
Perl Cookbook, 6.15. Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.6. Quantifiers
Programming Perl, 1.7.2. Minimal Matching
Miniperl module : Programming Perl, 7.2.20. ExtUtils::Miniperl - Write the C Code for perlmain.c
minsize() (Frame widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18.1. Toplevel Methods
minus (-) operator : Programming Perl, 2.5.5. Ideographic Unary Operators
minus sign : (see - (hyphen))
minutes : (see date and time)
LWP::Simple module
Perl Cookbook, 20.10. Mirroring Web Pages
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: mirror
LWP::UserAgent module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: mirror
mirroring web pages : Perl Cookbook, 20.10. Mirroring Web Pages
mjd_permute program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 4.19. Program: permute
mkbootstrap() : Programming Perl, 7.2.21. ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap - Make a Bootstrap File for Use by DynaLoader
Learning Perl, 13.4. Making and Removing Directories
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.3. Making and Removing Directories
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: mkdir
Programming Perl, 3.2.92. mkdir
Net::FTP module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: mkdir
Mkdir() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Mkdir
mkfifo command (UNIX) : Programming Perl, Named pipes
mkmanifest() : Programming Perl, 7.2.19. ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to Write and Check a MANIFEST File
mknod command (UNIX) : Programming Perl, Named pipes
mkpath() : Programming Perl, 7.2.31. File::Path - Create or Remove a Series of Directories
Mksymlists() : Programming Perl, 7.2.22. ExtUtils::Mksymlists - Write Linker Option Files for Dynamic Extension
MLDBM module
Advanced Perl Programming, 10.3.2. MLDBM
Perl Cookbook, 11.14. Transparently Persistent Data Structures
Perl Cookbook, 14.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 14.8. Storing Complex Data in a DBM File
persistent data : Perl Cookbook, 14.9. Persistent Data
mldbm_demo program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 14.9. Persistent Data
MM_OS2 module : Programming Perl, 7.2.23. ExtUtils::MM_OS2 - Methods to Override UNIX Behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
MM_Unix module : Programming Perl, 7.2.24. ExtUtils::MM_Unix - Methods Used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker
MM_VMS module : Programming Perl, 7.2.25. ExtUtils::MM_VMS - Methods to Override UNIX Behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
-mod option (perlcc) : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.4. The Perl Compiler
mod_include module : Perl in a Nutshell, 11.5. Server-Side Includes with mod_perl
mod_perl module
Perl Cookbook, 19.5. Making CGI Scripts Efficient
Learning Perl, 19.10.2. Embedded Perl
Perl in a Nutshell, 11. Web Server Programming with mod_perl
installing : Perl in a Nutshell, 11.2. Installing mod_perl
<Perl> directives (Apache) : Perl in a Nutshell, 11.6. <Perl> Sections
running CGI scripts with : Perl in a Nutshell, 11.4. Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl
SSI with : Perl in a Nutshell, 11.5. Server-Side Includes with mod_perl
$mode file statistic : Programming Perl, 3.2.159. stat
Win32::Console module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Mode
Win32::Internet module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Mode
modes, and making directories
Learning Perl, 13.4. Making and Removing Directories
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.3. Making and Removing Directories
modification time
Perl Cookbook, 9.0. Introduction
Programming Perl, 3.2.159. stat
Programming Perl, 3.2.186. utime
Learning Perl, 13.7. Modifying Timestamps
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.5. Modifying Timestamps
examples of
Learning Perl, 1.5.11. Ensuring a Modest Amount of Security
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.11. Ensuring a Modest Amount of Security
modified hyperlinks, finding : Perl Cookbook, 20.8. Finding Fresh Links
modifiers for statement : Programming Perl, 2.6.1. Simple Statements
modifiers, conditional : Perl in a Nutshell, Modifiers
modifiers, event : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.6. Event Bindings
modifying files : (see file contents)
modules, Perl
(see also packages)
Advanced Perl Programming, 6. Modules
Advanced Perl Programming, 6.5. Importing Symbols
Advanced Perl Programming, Language Syntax
Perl Cookbook, 12.0. Introduction
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.1. Library Terminology
Perl in a Nutshell, 1.1. What's Perl Good For?
Perl in a Nutshell, 7. Packages, Modules, and Objects
Perl in a Nutshell, 7.2. Modules
Programming Perl, 5. Packages, Modules, and Object Classes
Programming Perl, 5.1.3. Autoloading
Programming Perl, 5.2. Modules
Programming Perl, 7. The Standard Perl Library
Programming Perl, Perl in a Nutshell
autoloading for
Advanced Perl Programming, 6.7. Autoloading
Perl Cookbook, 12.10. Speeding Up Module Loading with Autoloader
Programming Perl, 7.2.3. AutoSplit - Split a Module for Autoloading
Programming Perl, 7.2.9. Devel::SelfStubber - Generate Stubs for a SelfLoading Module
Programming Perl, 7.2.12. DynaLoader - Automatic Dynamic Loading of Perl Modules
automatic set-up/clean-up : Perl Cookbook, 12.6. Automating Module Clean-Up
compiling into shared objects : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.4. The Perl Compiler
conventions for : Advanced Perl Programming, 7.4. Recap of Conventions
CPAN : (see CPAN)
designing interface for : Perl Cookbook, 12.1. Defining a Module's Interface
directories of : Perl Cookbook, 12.7. Keeping Your Own Module Directory
documenting with pod : Perl Cookbook, 12.16. Documenting Your Module with Pod
sorting =head1 sections : Perl Cookbook, 15.19. Program: tkshufflepod
files and : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.2. Packages and Files
finding, program for : Perl Cookbook, 12.19. Program: Finding Versions and Descriptions of Installed Modules
importing : Programming Perl, 7.2.15. Exporter - Default Import Method for Modules
initializing and destroying : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.3. Package Initialization and Destruction
@ISA array : Advanced Perl Programming, 7.2.6. The Need for Inheritance
list of
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.2. Standard Modules
Perl in a Nutshell, 8. Standard Modules
Advanced Perl Programming, 6.7. Autoloading
Perl Cookbook, 12.3. Delaying use Until Run Time
-m, -M options (perl) : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
names for : Programming Perl, 8.4. Programming with Style
nested : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.6. Nesting Packages
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.2. How Is CPAN Organized?
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.4. Getting and Installing Modules
Programming Perl, Fetching modules
overriding built-in functions : Perl Cookbook, 12.11. Overriding Built-In Functions
in other languages : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.9. Language Comparisons
prebuilt clients : Advanced Perl Programming, 12.6. Prebuilt Client Modules
preparing for distribution : Perl Cookbook, 12.8. Preparing a Module for Distribution
privacy and : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.4. Privacy
private variables and functions : Perl Cookbook, 12.4. Making Variables Private to a Module
reporting errors like built-ins : Perl Cookbook, 12.12. Reporting Errors and Warnings Like Built-Ins
SelfLoader module : Perl Cookbook, 12.9. Speeding Module Loading with SelfLoader
syntax for : Advanced Perl Programming, B.4. Modules
template for : Perl Cookbook, 12.18. Example: Module Template
trapping errors in use/requre : Perl Cookbook, 12.2. Trapping Errors in require or use
version checking : Programming Perl, Module version checking
Win32 extensions : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.4. Win32 Extensions
writing in C : Perl Cookbook, 12.15. Using h2xs to Make a Module with C Code
modulus (%) operator
Learning Perl, 2.4.1. Operators for Numbers
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.3. Arithmetic Operators
Programming Perl, 2.5.7. Multiplicative Operators
monitoring variables (example) : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.5. Example: Monitoring Variables
months : (see date and time)
more than sign : (see < > (angle brackets))
mortal calls : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.3.1. Scalar Values
MouseButtons() (Win32::Console) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: MouseButtons
move() (Canvas) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.12.3. Canvas Methods
moving files : Perl Cookbook, 9.3. Copying or Moving a File
MS/DOS, Perl under : Learning Perl, 1.3. Availability
Msg module
Advanced Perl Programming, 13.1.1. Msg Implementation
Advanced Perl Programming, 13.1. Msg: Messaging Toolkit
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: msgctl
Programming Perl, 3.2.93. msgctl
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: msgget
Programming Perl, 3.2.94. msgget
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: msgrcv
Programming Perl, 3.2.95. msgrcv
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: msgsnd
Programming Perl, 3.2.96. msgsnd
$mtime file statistic : Programming Perl, 3.2.159. stat
mtime field : Perl Cookbook, 9.0. Introduction
multidimensional arrays
Advanced Perl Programming, 1.3.2. Final Shortcut: Omit Arrows Between Subscripts
Perl Cookbook, 4.0. Introduction
Programming Perl, 4.6. A Brief Tutorial: Manipulating Lists of Lists
Programming Perl, 4.7.1. Arrays of Arrays
emulation syntax : Perl Cookbook, 9.4. Recognizing Two Names for the Same File
matrix representation with : Advanced Perl Programming, 2.2. Example: Matrices
multidimensional hashes : Programming Perl, 4.7.4. Hashes of Hashes
multihomed servers : Perl Cookbook, 17.14. Writing a Multi-Homed Server
multiline fieldholder
Learning Perl, 11.4.3. Multiline Fields
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.10. Formats
$MULTILINE_MATCHING : Programming Perl, 2.9.1. Regular Expression Special Variables
multiline scripts : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
multiline substitutions : Programming Perl, The fine print
multipattern grep (example) : Advanced Perl Programming, 5.5.1. A Fast Multipattern grep
multiple-byte character matching : Perl Cookbook, 6.18. Matching Multiple-Byte Characters
multiple commands, in arguments to system() : Learning Perl, 14.1. Using system and exec
multiple inheritance : Perl Cookbook, 13.0. Introduction
multiplex service, CPAN : Perl in a Nutshell, 2.1. The CPAN Architecture
multiplexing : Advanced Perl Programming, 12.3.2. Multiplexing Using select
multiplication of matrices : Perl Cookbook, 2.14. Multiplying Matrices
multiplication operators
(see also division operators)
Perl Cookbook, 2.14. Multiplying Matrices
Learning Perl, 2.4.1. Operators for Numbers
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.3. Arithmetic Operators
Programming Perl, 1.5.2. String Operators
Programming Perl, 2.5.7. Multiplicative Operators
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.4. Real-World Servers
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.7. A Peek into the Future
Perl Cookbook, 16.17. Writing a Signal Handler
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.5. Threads
Programming Perl, 5.3.9. A Note on Garbage Collection
networking and
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.3.1. Multiple Threads of Execution
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.4. Real-World Servers
scratchpads and : Advanced Perl Programming, How local and my work
Mutex module : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.4. Win32 Extensions
mutex objects : Perl in a Nutshell, 19.9. Win32::Mutex
mv command, rename() and : Learning Perl, 13.2. Renaming a File
my declarations
Advanced Perl Programming, 1.2.3. References to Anonymous Storage
Advanced Perl Programming, How local and my work
Perl Cookbook, 10.2. Making Variables Private to a Function
Learning Perl, 8.5. Private Variables in Functions
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: my
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.7.4. Private and Local Variables
Programming Perl, 2.6.8. Scoped Declarations
Programming Perl, 3.2.97. my
Programming Perl, 8.2.2. Frequently Ignored Advice
closures and : Programming Perl, 4.3.6. Closures
local operator versus : Advanced Perl Programming, 3.1.2. Lexical Versus Dynamic Scoping
typeglobs and : Advanced Perl Programming, 3.2.1. Temporary Aliases

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