5.4 Restrictions on the Superuser
Because the superuser account is
occasionally compromisedófor example, by somebody sharing the
superuser password with a friendóthere have been numerous
attempts to limit the availability and the power of the Unix
superuser account.
5.4.1 Secure Terminals: Limiting Where the Superuser Can Log In
versions of Unix allow you to configure certain terminals so that
users can't log in as the superuser from the
login: prompt. Anyone who wishes to have superuser
privileges must first log in as himself and then
su to root. This feature
makes tracking who is using the root account
easier because the su command logs the username
of the person who runs it and the time that it was run. Unix also requires that
the root user's password be
provided when booting in single-user mode if the console is not
listed as being secure.
Secure consoles add to overall system security because they force
people to know two passwords to gain superuser
access to the system. Network virtual terminals should not be listed
as secure to prevent users from logging into the
root account remotely using
telnet. (Of course, telnet
should also be disabled, which it isn't in some
environments.) The Secure Shell server ignores the terminal security
attribute, but it has its own directive
(PermitRootLogin in
sshd_config) that controls whether users may log
in as root remotely.
On BSD-derived systems, terminal security is specified in the
/etc/ttys file. In
this excerpt from the file, the tty00 terminal is secure and the
tty01 terminal is not:
tty00 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown on secure
tty01 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown on
On System V-derived systems, terminal security is specified in the
file /etc/securetty. This
file specifies that tty1 and tty2 are secure:
# more /etc/securetty
In general, most Unix systems today are configured so that the
superuser can log in with the root account on
the system console, but not on other terminals.
Even if your system allows users to log directly into the
root account, we recommend that you institute
rules that require users to first log into their own accounts and
then use the su command.
5.4.2 BSD Kernel Security Levels
FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and other operating
systems have kernel security levels, which can
be used to significantly reduce the power that the system allots to
the root user. Using kernel security levels, you
can decrease the chances that an attacker who gains
root access to your computer will be able to
hide this fact in your logfiles.
The kernel security level starts at 0; it can be raised as part of
the system startup, but never lowered. The secure level is set with
the sysctl command:
sysctl kern.securelevel=1
Level 1 is used for secure mode. Level 2 is used for
"very secure" mode. Level 3 is
defined as the "really-really secure
At security level 1, the following restrictions are in place:
Write access to the raw disk partitions is prohibited. (This forces
all changes to the disk to go through the filesystem.)
Raw access to the SCSI bus controller is prohibited.
Files that have the immutable flag set cannot be changed. Files that
have the append-only bit set can only be appended to, and not
otherwise modified or deleted.
The contents of IP packets cannot be logged.
Raw I/O to the system console is prohibited.
Raw writes to system memory or I/O device controllers from user
programs are prohibited.
Some access is denied to the Linux /proc filesystem.
Additional kernel modules cannot be loaded.
The system clock cannot be set backwards. In addition, it cannot be
set forward more than a maximum of one second, and it can be set
forward only once per second (effectively, the clock can be pushed at
most to double time).
At security level 2, the following restriction is added:
At security level 3, the following restriction is added:
This list is not comprehensive.
Overall, setting the secure level to 1 or 2 enables you to increase
the overall security of a Unix system; it also makes the system
dramatically harder to administer. If you need to take an action
that's prohibited by the current security level, you
must reboot the system to do so. Furthermore, the restrictions placed
on the root user at higher secure levels may not
be sufficient; it may be possible, given enough persistence, for a
determined attacker to circumvent the extra security that the secure
level system provides. In this regard, setting the level higher may
create a false sense of security that lulls the administrator into
failing to put in the proper safeguards. Nevertheless, if you can run
your system at a secure level higher than 0 without needing to
constantly reboot it, it's probably worthwhile to do
5.4.3 Linux Capabilities
Another mechanism for limiting the power
of the superuser is the Linux capabilities
system, invented on other operating systems five decades
ago and included with the Linux 2.4 kernel. Some other high-security
Unix systems and security add-ons to Unix have used capabilities for
years, and the POSIX committee drafted a standard (POSIX 1003.1e) but
later withdrew it.
The Linux capabilities system allows certain privileged tasks to be
restricted to processes that have a specific
"capability." This capability can
be used, transferred to other processes, or given up. Once a process
gives up a capability, it cannot regain that capability unless it
gets a copy of the capability from another process that was similarly
endowed. At startup, the init process generates
all of the capabilities that the operating system requires for its
use. As processes start their operations, they shed unneeded
capabilities. In this manner, compromising one of these processes
does not compromise other aspects of the operating system, even if
the compromised process is running as root.
Other operating
systemsóincluding Multicsóobviate the superuser flaw by
compartmentalizing the many system privileges that Unix bestows on
the root user. Indeed, attempts to design a
"secure" Unix (one that meets U.S.
Government definitions of highly trusted systems) have adopted this
same strategy of dividing superuser privileges into many different
Unfortunately, attempts at compartmentalization often fail. For
example, Digital's VAX/VMS operating system divided
system privileges into many different classifications. But many of
these privileges could be used by a persistent person to establish
the others. For example, an attacker who achieves
"physical I/O access" can modify
the operating system's database to grant himself any
other privilege that he desires. Thus, instead of a single
catastrophic failure in security, we have a cascading series of
smaller failures leading to the same end result. For
compartmentalization to be successful, it must be carefully thought
Some of the capabilities that a program can give up in the Linux
2.4.19 kernel are shown in Table 5-2. (This table
also provides a nice illustration of the power of the superuser!)
Table 5-2. Some capabilities in Linux 2.4.19
Can change file owner and group
Can override file restrictions based on file owner ID
Can override requirements for setting SUID and SGID bits on files
Can send signals to any process
Can change the immutable or append-only attributes on files
Can bind to TCP/UDP ports below 1024
Can transmit broadcasts
Can configure interfaces, bind addresses, modify routing tables and
packet filters, and otherwise manage networking
Can use raw and packet sockets
Can lock shared memory
Can override IPC ownership checks
Can load and remove kernel modules
Can use chroot( )
Can ptrace( ) any process
Can enable, disable, or configure process accounting
Can configure disk quotas, configure kernel logging, set hostnames,
mount and unmount filesystems, enable and disable swap, tune disk
devices, access system bios, set up serial ports, and many other
Can use reboot( )
Can change process priorities and scheduling
Can set or override limits on resources, quotas, reserved filesystem
space, and other things
Can manipulate system clock
Can configure tty devices
Can transfer or remove capabilities from any other process
Unfortunately, at the time this edition is being written, few Linux
systems are designed to take advantage of the kernel capabilities and
few system programs have been written to shed capabilities.