6.2. JavaBeans Conventions
The JavaBeans component model relies on a number of rules and
conventions bean developers must follow. These conventions
are not part of the JavaBeans API itself, but in many ways, they are
more important to bean developers than the API itself. The
conventions are sometimes referred to as designpatterns ; they
specify such things as method names and signatures for property
accessor methods defined by a bean.
The reason for these design patterns is interoperability between
beans and the beanbox programs that manipulate them. As we've
seen, beanbox programs may rely on introspection to determine the
list of properties, events, and methods a bean supports. In order
for this to work, bean developers must use method names the
beanbox can recognize. The JavaBeans framework facilitates this
process by establishing naming conventions. One such convention, for
example, is that the getter and setter accessor methods for a
property should begin with get and set.
Not all the patterns are absolute requirements. If a bean has
property accessor methods that do not follow the naming
conventions, it is possible to use a
PropertyDescriptor object (specified in a
BeanInfo class) to indicate the accessor methods for
the property. Although the
BeanInfo class provides an alternative to the
property-accessor-method naming convention, the property accessor
method must still follow the conventions that specify the number
and type of its parameters and its return value.
6.2.1. Beans
A bean itself must adhere to the following conventions:
Class name
There are no restrictions on the class name of a bean.
A bean can extend any other class. Beans are often AWT
or Swing components, but there are no restrictions.
A bean must provide a no-parameter constructor or
a file that contains a serialized instance the
beanbox can deserialize for use as a prototype bean, so
a beanbox can instantiate the bean. The file that contains the bean should have the same name as
the bean, with an extension of .ser.
Bean name
The name of a bean is the name of the class that
implements it or the name of the file that holds
the serialized instance of the bean (with the
extension removed and directory separator
(/) characters
converted to dot (.) characters).
6.2.2. Properties
A bean defines a property p of type
T if it has accessor methods that
follow these patterns (if
T is boolean,
a special form of getter method is allowed):
public T getP()
Boolean getter
public boolean isP()
public void setP(T)
Property accessor methods can throw any type of checked or
unchecked exceptions
6.2.3. Indexed Properties
An indexed property is a property of array
type that provides accessor methods that get and set the entire
array, as well as methods that get and set individual elements of
the array. A bean defines an indexed property
p of type
T[] if it defines
the following accessor methods:
Array getter
public T[] getP()
Element getter
public T getP(int)
Array setter
public void setP(T[])
Element setter
public void setP(int,T)
Indexed property accessor methods can throw any type of
checked or unchecked exceptions. In particular, they
should throw an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the
supplied index is out of bounds.
6.2.4. Bound Properties
A bound property is one that generates a
PropertyChangeEvent when its value changes. Here are the conventions for a bound property:
Accessor methods
The getter and setter methods for a bound property follow
the same conventions as a regular property.
A beanbox cannot distinguish a bound property from a
nonbound property through introspection alone. Therefore, you may want to implement a
BeanInfo class that returns a
PropertyDescriptor object for the
property. The isBound() method of this
PropertyDescriptor should return
Listener registration
A bean that defines one or more bound properties must
define a pair of methods for the registration of listeners
that are notified when any bound property value change. The methods must have these signatures:
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
Named property listener registration
A bean can optionally provide additional methods that
allow event listeners to be registered for changes
to a single bound property value. These methods are passed the
name of a property and have the following signatures:
public void addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener)
public void removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener)
Per-property listener registration
A bean can optionally provide additional event listener
registration methods that are specific to a single
property. For a property p,
these methods have the following signatures:
public void addPListener(PropertyChangeListener)
public void removePListener(PropertyChangeListener)
Methods of this type allow a beanbox to
distinguish a bound property from a nonbound property.
When the value of a bound property changes, the bean
should update its internal state to reflect the change
and then pass a PropertyChangeEvent to
the propertyChange() method of every
PropertyChangeListener object
registered for the bean or the specific bound
java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport is a
helpful class for implementing bound properties.
6.2.5. Constrained Properties
A constrained property is one for which any changes can be
vetoed by registered listeners. Most constrained properties are
also bound properties. Here are the conventions for a
constrained property:
The getter method for a constrained property is the same
as the getter method for a regular property.
The setter method of a constrained property throws a
PropertyVetoException if the property
change is vetoed. For a property
p of type
T, the signature looks like this:
public void setP(T) throws PropertyVetoException
Listener registration
A bean that defines one or more constrained properties must
define a pair of methods for the registration of listeners
that are notified when any constrained property value changes. The methods must have these signatures:
public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener)
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener)
Named property listener registration
A bean can optionally provide additional methods that
allow event listeners to be registered for
changes to a single constrained property value. These
methods are passed the name of a property and have the
following signatures:
public void addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener)
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener)
Per-property listener registration
A bean can optionally provide additional listener
registration methods that are specific to a single
constrained property. For a property
p, these methods have the
following signatures:
public void addPListener(VetoableChangeListener)
public void removePListener(VetoableChangeListener)
When the setter method of a constrained property is
invoked, the bean must generate a
PropertyChangeEvent that describes the
requested change and pass that event to the
vetoableChange() method of every
VetoableChangeListener object
registered for the bean or the specific constrained
property. If any listener vetos the change by throwing a
PropertyVetoException, the bean must
send out another PropertyChangeEvent
to revert the property to its original value, and then
it should throw a PropertyVetoException
itself. If, on the other hand, the property change is not
vetoed, the bean should update its internal state to
reflect the change. If the constrained property is also a
bound property, the bean should notify
PropertyChangeListener objects at this
java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport is a
helpful class for implementing constrained properties.
6.2.6. Events
In addition to PropertyChangeEvent events
generated when bound and constrained properties are changed, a
bean can generate other types of events. An event named
E should follow these conventions:
Event class
The event class should directly or indirectly extend
java.util.EventObject and should be
Listener interface
The event must be associated with an event listener
interface that extends
java.util.EventListener and is named
Listener methods
The event listener interface can define any number of
methods that take a single argument of type
EEvent and
return void.
Listener registration
The bean must define a pair of methods for registering
event listeners that want to be notified when an
E event occurs. The methods
should have the following signatures:
public void addEListener(EListener)
public void removeEListener(EListener)
Unicast events
A unicast event allows only one listener object to be
registered at a single time. If
E is a unicast event, the
listener registration method should have this signature:
public void addEListener(EListener) throws TooManyListenersException
6.2.7. Methods
A beanbox can expose the methods of a bean to application
designers. The only formal convention is that these methods
must be declared public. The following
guidelines are also useful, however:
Method name
A method can have any name that does not conflict with the
property- and event-naming conventions. The name should
be as descriptive as possible.
A method can have any number and type of parameters. However,
beanbox programs may work best with no-parameter methods
or methods that have simple primitive parameters.
Excluding methods
A bean can explicitly specify the list of methods it
exports by providing a BeanInfo
A bean can provide user-friendly, human-readable localized
names and descriptions for methods through
MethodDescriptor objects returned by a
BeanInfo implementation.
6.2.8. Auxiliary Classes
A bean can provide the following auxiliary classes:
To provide additional information about a bean
B, implement the
BeanInfo interface in a class named
Property editor for a specific type
To enable a beanbox to work with properties of type
T, implement the
PropertyEditor interface in a class
TEditor. The class must have a no-parameter constructor.
Property editor for a specific property
To customize the way a beanbox allows the user to enter
values for a single property, define a class that
implements the PropertyEditor
interface and has a no-parameter constructor, and register
that class with a PropertyDescriptor
object returned by the BeanInfo class
for the bean.
To define a customizer, or wizard, for configuring a bean
B, define an AWT or Swing
component with a no-parameter constructor that does the
customization. The class is commonly called
but this is not required. Register the class with the
BeanDescriptor object returned by the
BeanInfo class for the bean.
Define default documentation for a bean
B in HTML 2.0 format and store
that documentation in a file named
B.html. Define localized translations of the documentation in
files by the same name in locale-specific directories.
6.2.9. Bean Packaging and Distribution
Beans are distributed in JAR archive files that have the following:
The class or classes that implement a bean should be
included in the JAR file, along with auxiliary classes
such as BeanInfo and
PropertyEditor implementations. If the
bean is instantiated from a serialized instance, that
instance should be included in the JAR archive with a
filename ending in .ser. The JAR file can contain HTML
documentation for the bean and should also contain any
resource files, such as images, required by the bean and
its auxiliary classes. A single JAR file can contain
more than one bean.
Java-Bean attribute
The manifest of the JAR file must mark any
.class and .ser
files that define a bean with the attribute:
Java-Bean: true
Depends-On attribute
The manifest of a JAR file can use the
Depends-On attribute to specify all
other files in the JAR archive on which the bean depends. A beanbox application can use this information when
generating applications or repackaging beans. Each bean
can have zero or more Depends-On
attributes, each of which can list zero or more
space-separated filenames. Within a JAR file,
/ is always used as the directory separator.
Design-Time-Only attribute
The manifest of a JAR file can optionally use the
Design-Time-Only attribute to specify
auxiliary files, such as BeanInfo
implementations, that are used by a beanbox, but
not used by applications that use the bean. The beanbox
can use this information when repackaging beans for use in
an application.
 |  |  |
6.1. Bean Basics |  | 6.3. Bean Contexts and Services |

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