Migrating from GtkCombo to GtkComboBoxEntry

Here is an example of a simple, but typical use of a GtkCombo:

GtkWidget *combo; GList *items = NULL; items = g_list_append (items, "First Item"); items = g_list_append (items, "Second Item"); items = g_list_append (items, "Third Item"); combo = gtk_combo_new (); gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), items);

In order to react to the user's selection, connect to the "changed" signal on the combo and use gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (combo->entry)) to retrieve the selected text.

And here is how it would be done using GtkComboBoxEntry:

combo_box = gtk_combo_box_entry_new_text (); gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo_box), "First Item"); gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo_box), "Second Item"); gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo_box), "Third Item");

In order to react to the user's selection, connect to the "changed" signal on the combo and use gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BIN (combo_box)->child)) to retrieve the selected text.