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HP Integrity Virtual Machines Version 4.0 Installation, Configuration, and Administration > Chapter 9 Managing Guests

Using the Virtual Console


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Each virtual machine has its own virtual console from which to power on or off the virtual machine, boot the guest operating system or shut it down, and so on. The hpvmconsole command connects to the virtual console of a specified virtual machine.

To start the virtual console for the guest named compass1, enter the following command:

# hpvmconsole -P compass1 vMP MAIN MENU CO: Console CM: Command Menu CL: Console Log SL: Show Event Logs VM: Virtual Machine Menu HE: Main Help Menu X: Exit Connection [compass1] vMP>

To return to the virtual console when the display is in the EFI, press Ctr/B. Use the co command to open the virtual console. For example:

[compass1] vMP> co

You can pass a command to the virtual machine console using the —c option to the hpvmconsole command. For example, to start a virtual machine named compass1, enter the following command:

# hpvmconsole -P compass1 -c "pc -on"

Table 9-2 lists the options to the hpvmconsole command.

Table 9-2 Options to the hpvmconsole Command

-P vm-nameSpecifies the name of the virtual machine console to open.
-p vm-numberSpecifies the number of the virtual machine console to open.
-c commandSpecifies a machine console command to run on the virtual machine.
-e echarSpecifies an alternate interrupt character. The default interrupt character is Ctrl/B.
-fFollows the console output after reaching EOF on standard input. Used for scripting.
-iInteracts with the console. Used for scripting.
-qMakes scripted operations less verbose.


To get information about using the virtual console, enter the HE command. For example:

[compass1] vMP> he ==== vMP Help: Main Menu ================================= (Admin) ============ HPVM B.04.00 clearcase opt Wed May 7 2008 07h13m54s PST (C) Copyright 2000 - 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Virtual Management Processor (vMP) Help System Enter a command at the help prompt: OVerview - Launch the help overview LIst - Show the list of vMP commands <COMMAND> - Enter the command name for help on an individual command TOPics - Show all vMP Help topics and commands HElp - Display this screen Q - Quit help

For more information about using the hpvmconsole command, see hpvmconsole(1M).

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