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Managing Serviceguard Fifteenth Edition > Chapter 7 Cluster and Package Maintenance

Reviewing Cluster and Package Status


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You can check status using Serviceguard Manager or from a cluster node’s command line.

Reviewing Cluster and Package Status with the cmviewcl Command

Information about cluster status is stored in the status database, which is maintained on each individual node in the cluster. You can display information contained in this database by issuing the cmviewcl command:cmviewcl -v 

You can use the cmviewcl command without root access; in clusters running Serviceguard version A.11.16 or later, grant access by assigning the Monitor role to the users in question. In earlier versions, allow access by adding <nodename> <nonrootuser> to the cmclnodelist file.

cmviewcl -v displays information about all the nodes and packages in a running cluster, together with the settings of parameters that determine failover behavior.

TIP: Some commands take longer to complete in large configurations. In particular, you can expect Serviceguard’s CPU usage to increase during cmviewcl -v as the number of packages and services increases.

You can also specify that the output should be formatted as it was in a specific earlier release by using the -r option to specify the release format you want, for example:

cmviewcl -r A.11.16

(See the cmviewcl (1m) manpage for the supported release formats.) The formatting options let you choose a style: the tabulated format is designed for viewing; the line format is designed for scripting, and is easily parsed.

See the manpage for a detailed description of other cmviewcl options.

Viewing Dependencies

The cmviewcl -v command output lists dependencies throughout the cluster. For a specific package’s dependencies, use the -p <pkgname> option.

Viewing CFS Multi-Node Information

On systems that support Veritas Cluster File System (CFS), you can use cfs commands to see multi-node package configuration information, status, and dependencies in a CFS cluster; for example:

cfsdgadm show_package <diskgroup>

cfsmntadm show_package <mountpoint>

getconf -p <mnpkg> | grep dependency

Types of Cluster and Package States

A cluster or its component nodes may be in several different states at different points in time. The following sections describe many of the common conditions the cluster or package may be in.

Cluster Status

The status of a cluster, as shown by cmviewcl, can be one of the following:

  • up - At least one node has a running cluster daemon, and reconfiguration is not taking place.

  • down - No cluster daemons are running on any cluster node.

  • starting - The cluster is in the process of determining its active membership. At least one cluster daemon is running.

  • unknown - The node on which the cmviewcl command is issued cannot communicate with other nodes in the cluster.

Node Status and State

The status of a node is either up (active as a member of the cluster) or down (inactive in the cluster), depending on whether its cluster daemon is running or not. Note that a node might be down from the cluster perspective, but still up and running HP-UX.

A node may also be in one of the following states:

  • Failed. A node never sees itself in this state. Other active members of the cluster will see a node in this state if that node was in an active cluster, but is no longer, and is not halted.

  • Reforming. A node is in this state when the cluster is re-forming. The node is currently running the protocols which ensure that all nodes agree to the new membership of an active cluster. If agreement is reached, the status database is updated to reflect the new cluster membership.

  • Running. A node in this state has completed all required activity for the last re-formation and is operating normally.

  • Halted. A node never sees itself in this state. Other nodes will see it in this state after the node has gracefully left the active cluster, for instance with a cmhaltnode command.

  • Unknown. A node never sees itself in this state. Other nodes assign a node this state if it has never been an active cluster member.

Package Status and State

The status of a package can be one of the following:

  • up - The package master control script is active.

  • down - The package master control script is not active.

  • start_wait - A cmrunpkg command is in progress for this package. The package is waiting for packages it depends on (predecessors) to start before it can start.

  • starting - The package is starting. The package master control script is running.

  • halting - A cmhaltpkg command is in progress for this package and the halt script is running.

  • halt_wait - A cmhaltpkg command is in progress for this package. The package is waiting to be halted, but the halt script cannot start because the package is waiting for packages that depend on it (successors) to halt. The parameter description for successor_halt_timeout provides more information.

  • failing - The package is halting because it, or a package it depends on, has failed.

  • fail_wait - The package is waiting to be halted because the package or a package it depends on has failed, but must wait for a package it depends on to halt before it can halt.

  • relocate_wait - The package’s halt script has completed or Serviceguard is still trying to place the package.

  • unknown - Serviceguard could not determine the status at the time cmviewcl was run.

A system multi-node package is up when it is running on all the active cluster nodes. A multi-node package is up if it is running on any of its configured nodes.

The state of the package can be one of the following:

  • starting - The package is starting. The package master control script is running.

  • start_wait - A cmrunpkg command is in progress for this package. The package is waiting for packages it depends on (predecessors) to start before it can start.

  • running - Services are active and being monitored.

  • halting - A cmhaltpkg command is in progress for this package and the halt script is running.

  • halt_wait - A cmhaltpkg command is in progress for this package. The package is waiting to be halted, but the halt script cannot start because the package is waiting for packages that depend on it (successors) to halt. The parameter description for successor_halt_timeout provides more information.

  • halted - The package is down and halted.

  • failing - The package is halting because it, or a package it depends on, has failed.

  • fail_wait - The package is waiting to be halted because the package or a package it depends on has failed, but must wait for a package it depends on to halt before it can halt.

  • failed - The package is down and failed.

  • relocate_wait - The package’s halt script has completed or Serviceguard is still trying to place the package.

  • unknown - Serviceguard could not determine the state at the time cmviewcl was run.

Package Switching Attributes

cmviewcl shows the following package switching information:

  • AUTO_RUN: Can be enabled or disabled. For failover packages, enabled means that the package starts when the cluster starts, and Serviceguard can switch the package to another node in the event of failure.

    For system multi-node packages, enabled means an instance of the package can start on a new node joining the cluster (disabled means it will not).

  • (Switching for a node): For failover packages, enabled means that the package can switch to the specified node. disabled means that the package cannot switch to the specified node until the node is enabled to run the package via the cmmodpkg command.

    Every failover package is marked enabled or disabled for each node that is either a primary or adoptive node for the package.

    For multi-node packages, node switching disabled means the package cannot start on that node.

Service Status

Services have only status, as follows:

  • Up. The service is being monitored.

  • Down. The service is not running. It may not have started, or have halted or failed.

  • Unknown.

Network Status

The network interfaces have only status, as follows:

  • Up.

  • Down.

  • Unknown. Serviceguard cannot determine whether the interface is up or down. A standby interface has this status.

Failover and Failback Policies

Failover packages can be configured with one of two values for the failover_policy parameter (see failover_policy), as displayed in the output of cmviewcl -v:

  • configured_node. The package fails over to the next node in the node_name list in the package configuration file (see node_name).

  • min_package_node. The package fails over to the node in the cluster that has the fewest running packages.

Failover packages can also be configured with one of two values for the failback_policy parameter (see failback_policy), and these are also displayed in the output of cmviewcl -v:

  • automatic: Following a failover, a package returns to its primary node when the primary node becomes available again.

  • manual: Following a failover, a package will run on the adoptive node until moved back to its original node by a system administrator.

Examples of Cluster and Package States

The following sample output from the cmviewcl -v command shows status for the cluster in the sample configuration.

Normal Running Status

Everything is running normally; both nodes in the cluster are running, and the packages are in their primary locations.

example      up
  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys9       up           running

    INTERFACE    STATUS       PATH         NAME
    PRIMARY      up           56/36.1      lan0
    STANDBY      up           60/6         lan1

    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg1         up           running      enabled      ftsys9

      Failover         configured_node
      Failback         manual

      ITEM         STATUS       MAX_RESTARTS   RESTARTS        NAME
      Service      up                      0          0        service1
      Subnet       up                      0          0

      Primary      up           enabled      ftsys9       (current)
      Alternate    up           enabled      ftsys10

 NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys10      up           running

    INTERFACE    STATUS       PATH         NAME
    PRIMARY      up           28.1         lan0
    STANDBY      up           32.1         lan1

    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg2         up           running      enabled      ftsys10

      Failover         configured_node
      Failback         manual

      ITEM         STATUS       MAX_RESTARTS   RESTARTS          NAME
      Service      up                      0          0          service2
      Subnet       up                      0          0

      Primary      up           enabled      ftsys10      (current)
      Alternate    up           enabled      ftsys9
NOTE: The Script_Parameters section of the PACKAGE output of cmviewcl shows the Subnet status only for the node that the package is running on. In a cross-subnet configuration, in which the package may be able to fail over to a node on another subnet, that other subnet is not shown (see “Cross-Subnet Configurations”).
Quorum Server Status

If the cluster is using a quorum server for tie-breaking services, the display shows the server name, state and status following the entry for each node, as in the following excerpt from the output of cmviewcl -v:

example      up

  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys9       up           running

  Quorum Server Status:
  lp-qs               up           running

  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys10      up           running

  Quorum Server Status:
  lp-qs               up           running
CVM Package Status

If the cluster is using the Veritas Cluster Volume Manager (CVM), version 3.5, for disk storage, the system multi-node package VxVM-CVM-pkg must be running on all active nodes for applications to be able to access CVM disk groups. The system multi-node package is named SG-CFS-pkg if the cluster is using version 4.1 or later of the Veritas Cluster Volume Manager.

NOTE: Check the Serviceguard, SGeRAC, and SMS Compatibility and Feature Matrix and the latest Release Notes for your version of Serviceguard for up-to-date information about support for CVM and CFS (http://www.docs.hp.com -> High Availability -> Serviceguard).

The VxVM-CVM-pkg package is shown in the following output of the cmviewcl command:

example      up

ftsys7       down         halted
ftsys8       down         halted
ftsys9       up running
ftsys10      up           running


VxVM-CVM-pkg   up        running   enabled      yes

When you use the -v option, the display shows the system multi-node package associated with each active node in the cluster, as in the following:


    VxVM-CVM-pkg up running enabled     yes

     ftsys7       down         disabled

     ftsys8       down         disabled

     ftsys9       up           enabled
      Service up       0             0          VxVM-CVM-pkg.srv

     ftsys10      up           enabled
      Service up       0             0          VxVM-CVM-pkg.srv

CFS Package Status

If the cluster is using the Veritas Cluster File System (CFS), the system multi-node package SG-CFS-pkg must be running on all active nodes, and the multi-node packages for disk group and mount point must also be running on at least one of their configured nodes.

NOTE: Check the Serviceguard, SGeRAC, and SMS Compatibility and Feature Matrix and the latest Release Notes for your version of Serviceguard for up-to-date information about support for CVM and CFS (http://www.docs.hp.com -> High Availability -> Serviceguard).

The following is an example of cmviewcl output showing status for these packages:

cmviewcl -v -p SG-CFS-pkg


SG-CFS-pkg           up running enabled yes

ftsys9          up enabled

Service up      0            0          SG-CFS-vxconfigd
Service up 5 0 SG-CFS-sgcvmd
Service up 5 0 SG-CFS-vxfsckd
Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-cmvxd
Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-cmvxpingd

ftsys10         up enabled

Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-vxconfigd
Service up 5 0 SG-CFS-sgcvmd
Service up 5 0 SG-CFS-vxfsckd
Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-cmvxd
Service    up 0 0 SG-CFS-cmvxpingd
Status After Halting a Package

After we halt the failover package pkg2 with the cmhaltpkg command, the output of cmviewcl-v is as follows:

example      up

  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys9       up           running

    INTERFACE    STATUS       PATH         NAME
    PRIMARY      up           56/36.1      lan0
    STANDBY      up           60/6         lan1

    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg1         up           running      enabled      ftsys9

      Failover         configured_node
      Failback         manual

      Service      up      0              0            service1
      Subnet       up                        
      Resource     up                                  /example/float

      Primary      up           enabled      ftsys9       (current)
      Alternate    up           enabled      ftsys10

  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys10      up           running

    INTERFACE    STATUS       PATH         NAME
    PRIMARY      up           28.1         lan0
    STANDBY      up           32.1         lan1


    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg2         down         halted      disabled     unowned

      Failover         configured_node
      Failback         manual

      ITEM         STATUS    NODE_NAME       NAME
      Resource     up        ftsys9          /example/float
      Subnet       up        ftsys9
      Resource     down        ftsys10         /example/float
      Subnet       up        ftsys10

      Primary      up           enabled      ftsys10
      Alternate    up           enabled      ftsys9

pkg2 now has the status down, and it is shown as unowned, with package switching disabled. Resource /example/float, which is configured as a dependency of pkg2, is down on one node. Note that switching is enabled for both nodes, however. This means that once global switching is re-enabled for the package, it will attempt to start up on the primary node.

Status After Moving the Package to Another Node

If we use the following command

cmrunpkg -n ftsys9 pkg2 

and then run cmviewcl -v, we’ll see:

example      up

  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys9       up           running

    INTERFACE    STATUS       PATH         NAME
    PRIMARY      up           56/36.1      lan0
    STANDBY      up           60/6         lan1

    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg1         up           running      enabled      ftsys9

      Failover         configured_node
      Failback         manual

      Service      up                 0          0       service1
      Subnet       up                          
      Resource     up                                    /example/float

      Primary      up           enabled      ftsys9       (current)
      Alternate    up           enabled      ftsys10

    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg2         up           running      disabled     ftsys9

      Failover         configured_node
      Failback         manual

      Service      up           0               0            service2.1
      Subnet       up                              
      Primary      up           enabled      ftsys10
      Alternate    up           enabled      ftsys9     (current)

  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys10      up           running

    INTERFACE    STATUS       PATH         NAME
    PRIMARY        up           28.1         lan0
    STANDBY        up           32.1         lan1

Now pkg2 is running on node ftsys9. Note that switching is still disabled.

Status After Auto Run is Enabled

The following command changes the AUTO_RUN package switching flag back to enabled:

 cmmodpkg -e pkg2 

The output of the cmviewcl command is now as follows:

example      up

  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys9       up           running

    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg1         up           running      enabled      ftsys9
    pkg2         up           running      enabled      ftsys9

  NODE        STATUS       STATE
  ftsys10       up           running

Both packages are now running on ftsys9 and pkg2 is enabled for switching. ftsys10 is running the cmcld daemon but no packages.

Status After Halting a Node

After we halt ftsys10 with the following command

 cmhaltnode ftsys10 

we’ll see the following output from cmviewcl:

example      up

  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys9       up           running

    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg1         up           running      enabled      ftsys9
    pkg2         up           running      enabled      ftsys9

  NODE         STATUS       STATE
  ftsys10      down         halted

This output can be seen on both ftsys9 and ftsys10.

Viewing Information about Unowned Packages

The following example shows packages that are currently unowned, that is, not running on any configured node. cmviewcl provides information on monitored resources for each node on which the package can run; this allows you to identify the cause of a failure and decide where to start the package up again.


PKG3 down halted       disabled     unowned

Failover min_package_node
Failback automatic

Resource up       manx         /resource/random
Subnet up manx
Resource up       burmese      /resource/random
Subnet up burmese
Resource up       tabby        /resource/random
Subnet up tabby
Resource up       persian      /resource/random
Subnet up persian

Primary up enabled manx
Alternate up enabled burmese
Alternate up enabled tabby
Alternate up enabled persian
Viewing Information about System Multi-Node Packages

The following example shows a cluster that includes system multi-node packages as well as failover packages. The system multi-node packages are running on all nodes in the cluster, whereas the standard packages run on only one node at a time.

cats         up

NODE         STATUS       STATE
manx         up           running

    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg1         up           running      enabled      manx

NODE         STATUS       STATE
tabby        up           running

    PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN    NODE
    pkg2         up           running      enabled      tabby


VxVM-CVM-pkg   up           running
Checking Status of the Cluster File System (CFS)

If the cluster is using the cluster file system, you can check status with the cfscluster command, as shown in the example below.

NOTE: Check the Serviceguard, SGeRAC, and SMS Compatibility and Feature Matrix and the latest Release Notes for your version of Serviceguard for up-to-date information about CFS support: http://www.docs.hp.com -> High Availability -> Serviceguard.
#cfscluster status
Node : ftsys9
Cluster Manager : up
CVM state : up (MASTER)


vg_for_cvm1_dd5/1vol1      regular lvol1  vg_for_cvm_dd5        MOUNTED

vg_for_cvm1_dd5/lvol4      regular lvol4  vg_for_cvm_dd5        MOUNTED

Node : ftsys8
Cluster Manager : up
CVM state : up


vg_for_cvm1_dd5/lvol1     regular lvol1  vg_for_cvm_veggie_dd5  MOUNTED

vg_for_cvm1_dd5/lvol4     regular lvol4  vg_for_cvm_dd5         MOUNTED
Status of the Packages with a Cluster File System Installed

You can use cmviewcl to see the status of the package and the cluster file system on all nodes, as shown in the example below:

cmviewcl -v -p SG-CFS-pkg


SG-CFS-pkg up running enabled yes

soy up enabled

Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-vxconfigd
Service up 5 0 SG-CFS-sgcvmd
Service up 5 0 SG-CFS-vxfsckd
Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-cmvxd
Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-cmvxpingd

tofu up enabled

Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-vxconfigd
Service up 5 0 SG-CFS-sgcvmd
Service up 5 0 SG-CFS-vxfsckd
Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-cmvxd
Service up 0 0 SG-CFS-cmvxpingd
Status of CFS Disk Group Packages

To see the status of the disk group, use the cfsdgadm display command. For example, for the diskgroup logdata, enter:

cfsdgadm display -v logdata

ftsys9                  sw (sw)
ftsys10                 sw (sw)


To see which package is monitoring a disk group, use the cfsdgadm show_package command. For example, for the diskgroup logdata, enter:

cfsdgadm show_package logdata


Status of CFS Mount Point Packages

To see the status of the mount point package, use the cfsmntadm display command. For example, for the mount point /tmp/logdata/log_files, enter:

cfsmntadm display -v /tmp/logdata/log_files

Mount Point : /tmp/logdata/log_files
Shared Volume : lvol1
Disk Group : logdata

To see which package is monitoring a mount point, use the cfsmntadm show_package command. For example, for the diskgroup logdata:

cfsmntadm show_package /tmp/logdata/log_files


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