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Arbitration For Data Integrity in Serviceguard Clusters: > Chapter 1 Arbitration for Data Integrity in Serviceguard Clusters

Arbitration in Disaster-Tolerant Clusters


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Disaster-tolerant clusters are those which are intended to survive the loss of a data center that contains multiple resources. Examples are an extended distance cluster where nodes may be separated into different data centers on one site; metropolitan clusters, where the nodes are separated into equal-sized groups located a significant distance apart; and continental clusters, in which the geographically separate data centers provide a home for entirely separate clusters, complete with storage devices.

Extended Distance Clusters

In extended distance (campus) clusters, the nodes are divided into two separate data centers in different buildings, which can be as far as 100 km apart. A dual cluster lock disk may be used for arbitration, with the two lock disks located in the two different data centers. This affords protection against the loss of one of the data centers. If a quorum server is used, it must be in a different location from either of the two data centers, thus providing additional protection against data center loss. Similarly, if arbitrator nodes are used, they must be in a different location from the two data centers.

An extended distance cluster is no different from a standard Serviceguard cluster except that components are subdivided by data center. This means that groups of nodes are located in different buildings, and storage units with mirrored data are placed in separate facilities as well.

Metropolitan Clusters

Arbitration in a MetroCluster configuration has traditionally followed a different model than that of the single arbitrator device (originally this was a lock disk). Because a MetroCluster configuration contains two distinct data centers at some distance from one another, the main protection has been against a partition that separates the two data centers into equal-sized groups of nodes. A lock disk is not possible in this type of cluster, since metropolitan clusters use a specialized data replication method rather than LVM mirroring. Since LVM is not used with shared data, there is no one disk that is actually connected to both data centers that could act as a lock disk. Arbitration in this case can be obtained by using arbitrator nodes or a quorum server.

Arbitrator Nodes

For example, a metropolitan cluster with three nodes in Data Center A and three nodes in Data Center B could be partitioned such that two equal-sized groups remain up and running, trying to re-form. To address this problem, the supported configurations included one or two arbitrator nodes located in a third data center. These nodes are configured into the cluster for the purpose of providing a majority of nodes when combined with one half the nodes in an equal partition. In other words, if the metropolitan cluster should lose one data center, the surviving data center would still remain connected to the arbitrator nodes, so the surviving group would be larger than 50% of the previously running nodes in the cluster. It could therefore obtain the quorum and re-form the cluster.

Note that in a metropolitan cluster, it is the simple existence of the node(s) in the third data center that provides arbitration combined with the requirement that the configuration have an equal number of nodes in Data Center A and Data Center B. The arbitrator nodes located in Data Center C may do useful work, but they are not attached to the storage devices used by the main nodes in the cluster. They are fully configured as cluster nodes, but their main job is to provide arbitration.

Quorum Server

With the advent of the quorum server, another MetroCluster configuration is now possible. A quorum server process, located in a third data center, can be used for arbitration. The third data center is needed, as it was in the case of arbitrator nodes, to provide the appropriate degree of disaster tolerance. That is, the QS could arbitrate cluster re-formation if either of the other two entire sites should be destroyed.

One advantage of the quorum server is that additional cluster nodes do not have to be configured for arbitration.

Continental Clusters

There are no special arbitration requirements or configurations for the separate clusters within a continental cluster. Each cluster must provide its own arbitration separately, according to the applicable rules for a standard Serviceguard cluster. In other words, the continental cluster can employ any supported method of arbitration for its component clusters.

ContinentalClusters provides semi-automatic failover via commands which must be issued by a human operator. Between the member clusters of a continental cluster, the arbitrator is the system administrator on the recovery site, who must verify that it is appropriate to issue the cmrecovercl command.

Use of Dual Lock Disks in Extended Distance Clusters

Lock disks are not supported in metropolitan clusters, but they can be used in an extended distance cluster, which employs mirrored LVM over a FibreChannel disk link.

NOTE: Dual lock LUN configurations are not supported.

For an extended distance cluster, there should be one lock disk in each of the data centers; all nodes have access to both lock disks via the disk link. In the event of a failure of one of the data centers, the nodes in the remaining data center will be able to acquire their local lock disk, allowing them to successfully reform a new cluster. In a dual lock disk configuration, there is an extremely slight chance of split-brain in dual lock disk configuration.

The use of dual locks is as follows in an extended distance cluster:

  1. After the loss of heartbeat between the data centers, each sub-cluster attempts to access the first lock disk, then the second lock disk.

  2. If a node in one data center is successful at obtaining the first lock disk and the disk link between the two data centers is still viable, then nodes in the second data center will be refused the lock. The first data center will then be able to obtain the second disk and re-form the cluster.

    Note that if the first lock disk is located in the first data center when the heartbeat is lost, the first data center will normally obtain the lock first because it is closest to the disk. Thus in this scenario, the first data center will re-form the cluster.

  3. If a node in one data center is successful at obtaining the first lock disk but the disk link is not viable because the other data center is down, then the first data center will not be able to obtain the second lock disk, but because the lock was not refused, it will still be allowed to re-form the cluster. This is the expected behavior when there is a disaster.

  4. If there is a loss of both heartbeat and disk link, there is a danger of split brain because each sub-cluster, attempting to acquire both lock disks, is able to obtain the lock in its own data center, and is not refused the other lock. It is important to minimize or eliminate this slight danger by ensuring that data and heartbeat links are separately routed between data centers.

NOTE: A dual lock disk configuration does not provide a redundant cluster lock. In fact, the dual lock is a compound lock, and both disks have to participate in the protocol of lock acquisition by the two equal-sized sets of nodes. Even when mirrored LVM is used via MirrorDisk/UX, the lock disk area is not mirrored.

At cluster formation time, a set of nodes must gain access to one disk, and must either gain access to the other disk or not be denied access to it. (“Not being denied” occurs when a disk is not accessible to a set of nodes.) The group of nodes that gains access to at least one disk and is not denied access by any disk is allowed to form the new cluster.

If one of the dual lock disks fails, Serviceguard will detect this when it carries out periodic checking, and it will write a message to the syslog file. After the loss of one of the lock disks, if the failure of a cluster node results in the need for arbitration, the cluster will go down.

A dual lock disk configuration is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 1-9 Dual Lock Disk Configuration

Dual Lock Disk Configuration
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