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HP-UX Reference > Part IV Section 3: Library Functions



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a64l(3C) - convert between long integer and base-64 ASCII string
abort(3C) - generate a software abort fault
abs(3C) - return integer absolute value
aclentrystart(3C) - convert string form to access control list (ACL) structure, HFS file system only — see strtoacl(3C)
aclsort(3C) - sort an Access Control List (JFS File Systems only)
acltostr(3C) - convert access control list (ACL) structure to string form (HFS File Systems only)
acltostr_r(3C) - convert access control list (ACL) structure to string form (HFS File Systems only) — see acltostr(3C)
acos(3M) - arccosine functions
acosd(3M) - degree-valued arccosine functions
acosdf(3M) - degree-valued arccosine functions — see acosd(3M)
acosdl(3M) - degree-valued arccosine functions — see acosd(3M)
acosdq(3M) - degree-valued arccosine functions — see acosd(3M)
acosdw(3M) - degree-valued arccosine functions — see acosd(3M)
acosf(3M) - arccosine functions — see acos(3M)
acosh(3M) - arc hyperbolic cosine functions
acoshf(3M) - arc hyperbolic cosine functions — see acosh(3M)
acoshl(3M) - arc hyperbolic cosine functions — see acosh(3M)
acoshq(3M) - arc hyperbolic cosine functions — see acosh(3M)
acoshw(3M) - arc hyperbolic cosine functions — see acosh(3M)
acosl(3M) - arccosine functions — see acos(3M)
acosq(3M) - arccosine functions — see acos(3M)
acosw(3M) - arccosine functions — see acos(3M)
acpm_getenvattrs(3) - ACPS Service Provider Interface — see acps_spi(3)
acpm_getobj(3) - ACPS Service Provider Interface — see acps_spi(3)
acpm_getobjattrs(3) - ACPS Service Provider Interface — see acps_spi(3)
acpm_getop(3) - ACPS Service Provider Interface — see acps_spi(3)
acpm_getopattrs(3) - ACPS Service Provider Interface — see acps_spi(3)
acpm_getsubattrs(3) - ACPS Service Provider Interface — see acps_spi(3)
acpm_getsubcreds(3) - ACPS Service Provider Interface — see acps_spi(3)
acpm_getsubid(3) - ACPS Service Provider Interface — see acps_spi(3)
acps(3) - Access Control Policy Switch
acps_addenvattr(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_addobjattr(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_addopattr(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_addsubattr(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_addsubcred(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_api(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface
acps_checkauth(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_end(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_setobj(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_setop(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_setsubid(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
acps_spi(3) - ACPS Service Provider Interface
acps_start(3) - ACPS Application Programming Interface — see acps_api(3)
add_wch(3X) - add a complex character and rendition to a window
add_wchnstr(3X) - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
add_wchstr(3X) - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window — see add_wchnstr(3X)
addch(3X) - add a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advance the cursor
addchnstr(3X) - add length limited string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
addchstr(3X) - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
addmntent(3X) - get file system descriptor file entry — see getmntent(3X)
addnstr(3X) - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
addnwstr(3X) - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
addsev(3C) - define additional severities for formatting routines
addstr(3X) - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor — see addnstr(3X)
addwstr(3X) - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor — see addnwstr(3X)
advance(3X) - regular expression compile and match routines — see regexp(3X)
alloca(3C) - main memory allocator — see malloc(3C)
alphasort(3C) - scan a directory — see scandir(3C)
annuity(3M) - present value factor for annuity
annuityf(3M) - present value factor for annuity — see annuity(3M)
annuityl(3M) - present value factor for annuity — see annuity(3M)
annuityq(3M) - present value factor for annuity — see annuity(3M)
annuityw(3M) - present value factor for annuity — see annuity(3M)
asctime(3C) - convert date and time to string — see ctime(3C)
asctime_r(3C) - convert date and time to string — see ctime(3C)
asin(3M) - arcsine functions
asind(3M) - degree-valued arcsine functions
asindf(3M) - degree-valued arcsine functions — see asind(3M)
asindl(3M) - degree-valued arcsine functions — see asind(3M)
asindq(3M) - degree-valued arcsine functions — see asind(3M)
asindw(3M) - degree-valued arcsine functions — see asind(3M)
asinf(3M) - arcsine functions — see asin(3M)
asinh(3M) - arc hyperbolic sine functions
asinhf(3M) - arc hyperbolic sine functions — see asinh(3M)
asinhl(3M) - arc hyperbolic sine functions — see asinh(3M)
asinhq(3M) - arc hyperbolic sine functions — see asinh(3M)
asinhw(3M) - arc hyperbolic sine functions — see asinh(3M)
asinl(3M) - arcsine functions — see asin(3M)
asinq(3M) - arcsine functions — see asin(3M)
asinw(3M) - arcsine functions — see asin(3M)
assert(3X) - verify program assertion
atan(3M) - arctangent functions
atan2(3M) - arctangent and quadrant functions
atan2d(3M) - degree-valued arctangent-and-quadrant functions
atan2df(3M) - degree-valued arctangent-and-quadrant functions — see atan2d(3M)
atan2dl(3M) - degree-valued arctangent-and-quadrant functions — see atan2d(3M)
atan2dq(3M) - degree-valued arctangent-and-quadrant functions — see atan2d(3M)
atan2dw(3M) - degree-valued arctangent-and-quadrant functions — see atan2d(3M)
atan2f(3M) - arctangent and quadrant functions — see atan2(3M)
atan2l(3M) - arctangent and quadrant functions — see atan2(3M)
atan2q(3M) - arctangent and quadrant functions — see atan2(3M)
atan2w(3M) - arctangent and quadrant functions — see atan2(3M)
atand(3M) - degree-valued arctangent functions
atandf(3M) - degree-valued arctangent functions — see atand(3M)
atandl(3M) - degree-valued arctangent functions — see atand(3M)
atandq(3M) - degree-valued arctangent functions — see atand(3M)
atandw(3M) - degree-valued arctangent functions — see atand(3M)
atanf(3M) - arctangent functions — see atan(3M)
atanh(3M) - arc hyperbolic tangent functions
atanhf(3M) - arc hyperbolic tangent functions — see atanh(3M)
atanhl(3M) - arc hyperbolic tangent functions — see atanh(3M)
atanhq(3M) - arc hyperbolic tangent functions — see atanh(3M)
atanhw(3M) - arc hyperbolic tangent functions — see atanh(3M)
atanl(3M) - arctangent functions — see atan(3M)
atanq(3M) - arctangent functions — see atan(3M)
atanw(3M) - arctangent functions — see atan(3M)
atexit(3) - register a function to be called at program termination
atof(3C) - convert string to floating-point number — see strtod(3C)
atoi(3C) - convert string to integer — see strtol(3C)
atol(3C) - convert string to integer — see strtol(3C)
atoll(3C) - convert string to integer — see strtol(3C)
attr_get(3X) - window attribute control functions
attr_off(3X) - window attribute control functions — see attr_get(3X)
attr_on(3X) - window attribute control functions — see attr_get(3X)
attr_set(3X) - window attribute control functions — see attr_get(3X)
attroff(3X) - restricted window attribute control functions
attron(3X) - restricted window attribute control functions — see attroff(3X)
attrset(3X) - restricted window attribute control functions — see attroff(3X)
auth_destroy(3N) - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication — see rpc_clnt_auth(3N)
authdes_create(3N) - obsolete library routines for RPC — see rpc_soc(3N)
authdes_getucred(3N) - library routines for secure remote procedure calls — see secure_rpc(3N)
authdes_seccreate(3N) - library routines for secure remote procedure calls — see secure_rpc(3N)
authnone_create(3N) - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication — see rpc_clnt_auth(3N)
authsys_create(3N) - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication — see rpc_clnt_auth(3N)
authsys_create_default(3N) - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication — see rpc_clnt_auth(3N)
authunix_create(3N) - obsolete library routines for RPC — see rpc_soc(3N)
authunix_create_default(3N) - obsolete library routines for RPC — see rpc_soc(3N)
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