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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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dialups, d_passwd — dialup security control


dialups and d_passwd are used to control the dialup security feature of login (see login(1)). If /etc/dialups is present, the first word on each line is compared with the name of the line upon which the login is being performed (including the /dev/, as returned by ttyname() (see ttyname(3C)). If the login is occurring on a line found in dialups, dialup security is invoked. Anything after a space or tab is ignored.

When dialup security is invoked, login requests an additional password, and checks it against that found in /etc/d_passwd. The command name found in the ``program to use as shell'' field of /etc/passwd is used to select the password to be used. Each entry in d_passwd consists of three fields, separated by colons. The first is the command name, matching an entry in passwd. The second is the encrypted password to be used for dialup security for those users logging in to use that program. The third is commentary, but the second colon is required to delimit the end of the password. A null password is designated with two adjacent colons. The entry for /usr/bin/sh is used if no other entry matches the command name taken from passwd.



dial-in tty lines



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