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HP-UX System Administrator's Guide: Configuration Management: HP-UX 11i Version 3 > Chapter 10 Configuring the Kernel

Kernel Configuration Quick Reference Tables


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Table 10-11 Working with Kernel Configurations



Choose the configuration to boot...

...before the reboot [1]

kconfig [-f] -n configname

...at the boot loader prompt (Integrity)

boot configname

...at the boot loader prompt (HP 9000)

hpux configname/vmunix

List all kernel configurations

kconfig [-v]

Save the currently running configuration

kconfig [-f] -s newname

Copy a saved configuration

kconfig -c src dest

Rename a saved configuration

kconfig -r old new

Delete a saved configuration

kconfig [-f] -d configname

Load a saved configuration

kconfig [-f] -l configname

Set the title of a configuration

kconfig -t configname "title"

[1] If this option is used, there is no need to interrupt the boot process to select the new kernel configuration.


Table 10-12 Working with System Files



Create a system file...
...for a saved configuration

kconfig -e configname filename

...for the currently running configuration [1]

kconfig -e filename

Create/update a configuration from a system file ... [2]

... create/update a saved configuration

kconfig -i configname filename

...update the currently running configuration

kconfig [-fhV] -i filename

[1] Includes any changes being held for next boot.

[2] mk_kernel can also be used for this purpose.


Table 10-13 Working with Changes Held for Next Boot



NOTE: kconfig -i, kcmodule, and kctune hold their changes until next boot if they can’t be applied immediately, or if -h is specified.
List all changes being held for next boot

kconfig -D

Discard all changes being held for next boot

kconfig -H


Table 10-14 Working with Tunables



List tunables and their values...

kctune [tunable]...

...verbose output


...only tunables with changes held for next boot


...include derived tunables set to default values


...group by module name


...in a saved configuration

        -c configname

Set a tunable value

kctune tunable="expression"

Set a tunable to default

kctune tunable=default

Increment a tunable value

kctune tunable+=value

Make sure tunable value is at least n

kctune "tunable>=n"

...hold change until next boot


...apply change to saved configuration

        -c configname

...create user-defined tunable



Table 10-15 Working with Kernel Modules



List modules and their states...

kcmodule [module]...

...verbose output


...only modules with changes held for next boot


...include required modules


...in a saved configuration

        -c configname

Add a module to the configuration... 
...in default state

kcmodule module=best

...statically bound into the kernel executable

kcmodule module=static

...dynamically loaded, now and at each boot

kcmodule module=loaded

...auto-loaded at first use

kcmodule module=auto

Remove a module from the configuration...

kcmodule module=unused

...Hold change until next boot


...Apply change to saved configuration

        -c configname


Table 10-16 Working with the Kernel Configuration Log File



NOTE: The log file is located at /var/adm/kc.log. The kc* commands add a log entry for every change.

Add a comment to the log file...

...while making a change with a kc* commandadd -C "comment" to the change command
...without making a configuration change

kclog -C "comment"

View the last n entries in the log (default is 1)...

kclog n

...counting only changes to a configuration-c configname
...counting only changes of a particular type-t module|tunable|device
...counting only changes to a particular item-n modulename|tunablename|hwpath
...counting only log entries containing a string-f "string"


Table 10-17 Kernel Configuration File Locations



Saved configurations are stored in.../stand/configname
   Kernel executable is at.../stand/configname/vmunix
   System file is at.../stand/configname/system
Currently running configuration is in.../stand/current
   Kernel executable is at.../stand/current/vmunix
   System file is at.../stand/current/system
NOTE: Never directly manipulate any of the files in a kernel configuration directory, except the system file. Always use the kc* commands.


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