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nPartition Administrator's Guide > Chapter 8 Listing nPartition and Hardware Status

Listing Memory Configurations


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You can list memory configurations by using any one of the following procedures:

Memory configuration details include summaries of the total memory in a cell or nPartition, the amounts of interleaved memory and cell local memory (where supported) per cell or nPartition, and the number and locations of memory modules (DIMMs) within the cells in a server complex.

Procedure 8-9 Listing Memory Configurations (Service Processor)

From the service processor Command Menu, use the PS command to list details about the cell whose memory configuration you want to view.

  1. Login to the service processor (MP or GSP) and enter CM to access the Command Menu.

  2. At the Command Menu, enter the PS command, select the C option, and specify the cell whose memory configuration you want to view.

  3. To exit the service processor Command Menu, enter MA to return to the service processor Main Menu.

    At the Main Menu, enter X to exit the service processor interface.

Procedure 8-10 Listing Memory Configurations (BCH Menu)

From the BCH Information Menu, use the ME command to list memory details for the local nPartition. The BCH Menu is available only on HP 9000 systems.

  1. Access the BCH Main Menu for the nPartition whose memory configuration you want to list.

    Login to the service processor (MP or GSP) and enter CO to access the Console list. Select the nPartition console. When accessing the console, confirm that you are at the BCH Main Menu (the Main Menu: Enter command or menu> prompt). If at a BCH menu other than the Main Menu, then enter MA to return to the BCH Main Menu.

  2. Enter IN to access the BCH Information Menu.

  3. Enter the ME command to list memory details for all active cells in the local nPartition.

  4. Exit the console and service processor interfaces if finished using them.

    To exit the BCH environment type ^B (Control-B); this exits the nPartition console and returns to the service processor Main Menu. To exit the service processor, type X at the Main Menu.

Procedure 8-11 Listing Memory Configurations (EFI Shell)

From the EFI Shell environment, use the info mem command to list memory details for the local nPartition. Also use the dimmconfig # command (where # is the cell number) for memory module (DIMM) details for a specific cell. The EFI Shell is available only on HP Integrity systems.

  1. Access the EFI Shell environment for the nPartition whose memory configuration you want to list.

    Login to the service processor (MP or GSP) and enter CO to access the Console list. Select the nPartition console.

    When accessing the console, confirm that you are at the EFI Boot Manager menu (the main EFI menu). If at another EFI menu, select the Exit option from the sub-menus until you return to the screen with the EFI Boot Manager heading.

    From the EFI Boot Manager menu, select the EFI Shell menu option to access the EFI Shell environment.

  2. Enter the info mem command to list memory details for all active cells in the local nPartition. For additional details about memory modules (DIMMs) in an individual cell use the dimmconfig # command (where # is the cell number).

    The info mem command lists memory totals for each active cell in the local nPartition, and includes a summary of the current interleaved memory and non-interleaved (cell local) memory.

    The dimmconfig # command shows DIMM locations, sizes, and current status for all memory in the specified cell (where # is the cell number).

  3. Exit the console and service processor interfaces if finished using them.

    To exit the EFI environment type ^B (Control-B); this exits the nPartition console and returns to the service processor Main Menu. To exit the service processor, type X at the Main Menu.

Procedure 8-12 Listing Memory Configurations (nPartition Commands)

From the command line, issue the parstatus -C command for memory summaries for all cells; use parstatus -V -c# for detailed memory information for the specified cell (-c# where # is the cell number); or use parstatus -V -p# for detailed memory information for the specified nPartition (-p# where # is the nPartition number).

  1. Login to a system with the nPartition commands installed.

    If using remote administration features to list memory configurations, you can login to any system with Enhanced nPartition Commands installed.

  2. Issue the command to list memory details.

    • parstatus -C — Cell and memory summaries for all cells in the server complex.

    • parstatus -V -c# — Detailed memory information for the specified cell (-c# where # is the cell number), including memory module (DIMM) locations and sizes. For HP Integrity servers, this includes details about the interleaved memory in the cell as well as the requested and allocated cell local memory (CLM) amounts.

    • parstatus -V -p# — Detailed information about the specified nPartition (-p# where # is the nPartition number), including summaries for all assigned cells including their amounts of memory. For HP Integrity servers, the nPartition details include the total good memory size, total interleaved memory, and the total requested and allocated cell local memory (CLM) amounts.

Procedure 8-13 Listing Memory Configurations (Partition Manager)

You can list the memory configuration for any of the cells or nPartitions in a server complex by using Partition Manager.

When using Partition Manager Version 1.0, select the Details->Show Complex Details action, then select the CPUs/Memory tab.

When using Partition Manager Version 2.0, select the Cells tab.

  1. Access Partition Manager.

    For details on accessing Partition Manager or other tools, see “Tools for Listing Status”.

  2. List memory configuration details for any cell in the complex you currently are accessing.

    From Partition Manager Version 1.0, select the Details->Show Complex Details action, then select the CPUs/Memory tab to view memory details about all cells in the complex. For additional details on any cell, use the Show Details button.

    From Partition Manager Version 2.0, select the Cells tab to view details about all cells in the complex, including memory details.

  3. Exit Partition Manager.

    From Partition Manager Version 1.0, select the File->Exit action.

    From Partition Manager Version 2.0, select Log off parmgr or exit the Web browser when finished.

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