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Static Statements

Static Statements


Static statements define the static routes used by GateD. A single static statement can specify any number of routes. The static statements occur after protocol statements and before control statements in the gated.conf file. Any number of static statements may be specified, each containing any number of static route definitions. These routes can be overridden by routes with better preference values.

static { ( host host ) | default | ( network [ ( mask mask ) | ( masklen number ) ] ) gateway gateway_list [ interface interface_list ] [ preference preference ] [ retain ] [ reject ] [ blackhole ] [ noinstall ] ; ( network [ ( mask mask ) | ( masklen number ) ] ) interface interface [ preference preference ] [ retain ] [ reject ] [ blackhole ] [ noinstall ] ; } ;

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Laurent Joncheray
Wed Jun 12 15:35:22 EDT 1996

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